Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Odyssey of Self

Dorianne Laux writes, "I am still hard at work on this project of the self. The solitary self, as well as the self in relation to the world and the unknown universe we swirl around in, uncertain of our purpose or future. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is beauty? Why is there suffering? Where is truth? I tried to arrange them in a shape, find a path for them to travel to make clearer those questions. I write to know the questions."

Pursue experiences as an odyssey into words, leaving the comfort of understanding to delve into ways to discover a wisdom of well-being. This happens by thrashing about in the wilderness and forests of the unknown.

I've stayed bouyant in boats; slashed at the sea with oars. I've waited in the lighthouse, shining lights to discover what resides in the currents.

Which vehicle will I take today?  If I go on foot, by car, boat or train, amusements spring on every sensory level.

Each time I decide on the destination first, I become surprised and distracted by attractions along the way. Should I stop for a carnival? Sticky my face with cotton fluff and a candy apple?  Where will the merry-go-round take me as I change to a different lion, tiger or horse to ride?  I never feel satisfied and want another round.

I taste a notion like a lozenge. My tongue flicks it about until it melts. It dissolves and words arise. They flutter and flicker at my lips and beg for release. I taste the flavor of their feathers and sigh. They baffle, energize, and frighten. Some hide as ink soaks into a finger. 

Tomorrow I'll ride the train with my face pressed against the window's glass ready to hop off at the next astonishment.

Discover experiences today. Delve into an odyssey of self.

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