Friday, May 3, 2019

A Glimmer Day

"As I move through my day, I wait to feel something I call a glimmer, a vibration, a little charge of resonance that says, "Hey writer, look over here." I feel it deep in my chest, this buzzing that lets me know the thing I am seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting on the outside is going to help me unlock some part of a story I have on the inside." - Pam Houston, from Deep Creek. Finding Hope in the High Country.

Pam Houston continues, "Get in, get it down, get out and move on to the next glimmer." 

When we take time in nature, the messages sent to us enrich and energize.

Wonder and beauty collect as we walk. Pam Houston feels, "I believe - like religion - that the glimmer, the metaphor, if you will, knows a great deal more than I do. And if I stay out of its way, it will reveal itself to me. I will become so much its keeper as its conduit, and I will pass its wisdom on to the writer, without actually getting in its way."

Amazements flitter around each corner as we wander though natural settings.

Away from the zoom of cars and grunts of leaf blowers, breezes entertain the leaves.

Birds feather with glimmers in wind.

Go for a glimmer day.

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