Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ways to Challenge and Change

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. 
- Leo Tolstoy 

Socrates claimed, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

Writing provides insights that lead to paths of alternative choices. The process permits a variety of perspectives.

Choose habits you find difficult to control or change.

Write about their occurrence. How do you enable them by reactions to situations? In what ways have you have fought them in the past?                 

Examine the circumstances that initiate the behaviors. Write them from third person. Move beyond your personal reactions to those of an observer. Show the details from this new angle.

Write about ways to use another behavior to replace the one of concern.

In a relationship that troubles you. Consider five ways to avoid its control. Find a metaphor for the emotion evoked.

Push your pen for ways to alter your responses. Place the relationship in a setting so you can observe a character reacting and see how that plays out.

Create a dialogue with Worry. How might Worry respond to your concern and fear?  Let humor elicit a sense of calm. Play and write foibles into fun.

Write to challenge yourself and develop your scheme to change. You may discover the details you encounter will provide a story or poem that evolves also.

Let the world go. Focus on changing yourself. Think in possibilities.

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