Friday, July 26, 2013

Reverie on the Road

Travel on the road for three weeks provided views and responses to moments.  I discovered the sentence above in Sisters, Oregon. Time found no hold when veering to off-the-way places.

Messages from the land populated the landscape as Oregon sported azure and emerald lakes. Air freshened with scents of pine. Cool refreshment calmed during spelunking in a cave.

Central California beckoned with its rolls of gold and road that stretched ahead without traffic.

Suddenly, scenes changed as highways became populated. Re-adjustments and focus became necessary for a return to the fast lane.

I cringed at the chessboard of chaos in narrow lanes and speed freaks that traverse them.  Drivers expected those around them to deflect their poor judgments.

Some drove up to a foot from a bumper or changed lanes with a right turn to the farthest lane.

Speeders prevailed.

One woman stopped in the carpool lane to text. (really? yep!) As the cars zoomed toward her, she looked up and surged to change lanes.

No one used turn indicators. Did drivers assume that others around them had NASCAR or formula-1 training?

With the wave of a magic wand and the finances, I would build a bridge on the sea from Ventura to San Diego. This would reward responsible drivers who wished to avoid the Los Angeles basin. One would have to take extensive physical and mental tests to travel my exclusive byway.  If along the course of bridge travel, a driver became erratic, ejection into the sea would result.

For the next trip through Los Angeles,  I plan to make signs to flash at the drivers around us.

Student Driver.  Stay Back. Way back.

Beware: 90 year old deaf driver. Don't cut me off.

Don't Tailgate, I have no brakes.

Stop Texting. I'm texting your license plate to Highway Patrol.

If you can read this sign, you're nearsighted and shouldn't drive this close.

As long as you're this close will you wash my rear window?

Did you know that stalk on your steering wheel activates the turn indicators?

You're drafting so close? Are you practicing for NASCAR? 

Don't drive so close.  When I sneeze I brake without warning.

Could I issue "citizen citations"?   Maybe the Highway Patrol would hire me as a revenue-maker? I would convince them to donate my funds to build the bridge from Ventura.

In any case, I will engage my child's mind, stick out my tongue and waggle fingers from my ears as I post the signs from the back window.

Creative Write:  What solutions do you have to encourage safety on the road of frantic drivers?

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