Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sentence Awareness

Make verbs work horses to energize your sentences. These ponies power description, details, and action. If you alter the structure of the sentence, you can eliminate the use of the ‘to be’ verb.”  Show how it is easy turns into - Ease arrives with practice. Practice initiates a verb habit.

Take a look at your paragraphs for: is, am, was, were. Turn sentences into simple: subject, verb, and object. At first the alteration in structure will provoke frustration until you gain rhythm. Realize possibilities. Use short sentences between longer ones. Read aloud to notice the rhythm.

Play, relent and deconstruct sentences. Verb awareness permits a selection of subjects for variety. When you focus on verbs your sentences collect fewer adverbs and adjectives.

Active verbs intrigue and intensify sentences. The subject needs its verb near the front rather than separated by a clause and stuck at the end of the sentence. Ask yourself what does an adjective or adverb add? Often they creep in like bandits and hitchhikers to rob your sentences of power. Make verbs your heroes to defeat them.

Create a verb bank by selecting verbs that demand, announce and fly. Soon you will notice how far you have moved from a dependence on modifiers. A long walk will turn into a ramble.  

A sentence creates a bridge from writer to reader. Every word moves the ideas and action. Add texture by naming the sparrow, hibiscus or magnolia tree. Stress key points with the details of color and sensory imagery.

When you break long sentences into short ones you will attract the reader's attention. You create a breathing stop. To achieve emphasis, reverse the usual word order. Read your sentences aloud to gain rhythm and impact.

Recast this sentence in three ways to avoid "is."

To learn how to translate "to be" verbs into action, check out:

Creative Write: Select a paragraph from your current work. Circle the adjectives and adverbs. Use a green underliner to color your nouns and verbs. Begin to re-arrange the sentences to add texture and movement to the sentence. It helps to sing your sentences!

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