Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chase humor

Definitely the best medicine, laughter energizes one’s sense of well-being and state of mind. It also improves physical health. Most individuals laugh about 15 times a day. Laughing out loud releases endorphins and adrenaline to develop a natural high. Laughter helps to remove stress by causing the release of these natural painkillers. 

Tribal shamans, wearing colorful and silly costumes, brought laughter into the healing process. Norman Cousins laughed himself to wellness and wrote, Anatomy of an Illness to reveal the use of humor in healing. Circus clowns distract us from our cares.

Humor enhances creativity and memory. It opens us to fresh ideas, allowing for innovation. During its process, we feel joy.

Advertisers have learned that the use of humor helps minds retain information when their products associate with something hilarious. Everyone remembers the Taco Bell chihuahua and cheers with the hamsters driving their car. Did you wear the "Got Milk" mustache?

The benefits of laughter go beyond improving our physical and mental well-being. A humorous state of mind helps to build better relationships with others. It makes people closer by laughing at adversity.

Tickle your funny bone!  Chase humor.

Creative Write:  Become aware of funny incidents around you. Take a challenging situation and inject humor into it. Write mistakes and disappointments with a shot of humor.

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