Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Hopi Elder's View

During my morning run, I discovered a path leading to a seclusion of shore by the Willamette river. My shoes crunched the browns and reds in autumn leaves. Picked up by wind, a crumpled paper bounced on the path. As I unfolded it, words slanted across the page following the title, A Hopi Elder's View.

This is the hour for considerations. A river flows now. It moves so swifty that those will be afraid.  They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel torn apart.  Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore and push into the middle, keep our eyes open and heads above water.

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in the right relationship?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
Speak your truth.
Create your community.
Do not look outside yourself for the leader.
Who is in there with you to celebrate?  

Take nothing personally least of all yourself.  The time for the lone wolf is gone.  Gather and banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.  

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

Around me, nature revealed its curiosity for autumn. A final crocus of summer sparkled under a cottonwood tree. I emerged from the shore's path eager to consider the questions.

Creative Write:  Answer the questions in ways you have never considered.  Write to seek a celebration of renewal. 

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