Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Happenings

Today I tried to race the gray squirrels.  How do they stay ahead of my strides?  They cheat, of course, and race up a tree when I begin to overtake them.  They can't outlast me on today’s six mile run. They don’t even follow me over the bridge to the duck and heron ponds.

Summer plays tug-a-war with fall for the last days of sunshine. Leaflets on the Honey Locust trees have turned golden by my window. They cascade into the spiders’ vertical lines and twirl in front of my door. Sugar Maples have started to shoot their magenta, orange and lemon hues to scare the green away. 

A crisp in the breeze invites the clusters of leaves to bounce and play tag along the sidewalks. Apples, pears and huckleberries have ripened and look ready to eat.

For me, autumn represents change, abundance and a time to express gratitude. With nature exploding its wonder all around, I appreciate the subtle aspects of life that stimulate my creativity and enthusiasm for every moment in movement. Of course, I become energized during Oregon Ducks football season.
Creative Write: Begin to observe subtle changes of the fall season. What does the changing season represent? Connect it with memories or emotions. 

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