Friday, July 6, 2012

A Writer's Renewal

Once a year,  write for renewal of your instincts and creativity. Let the questions lead and gain insights about your writing.
Why do you write?

How do you define play? Does it show up in your writing?

What do you wonder about?  

Describe aspects of life that baffle you.

Does sensory imagery spark your writing? Which sense dominates?

Are you aware of a seasonal or daily rhythm in your writing? Begin to track on a calendar your times of peak performance in writing.

Do you journal? How often?

What distracts you from writing? How do you deal with it?

How do you spell procrastinate? Do you find creative ways to avoid writing? In what ways do you push beyond any down times in your writing?

Do you have a writing ritual? How do you “get into the mood”?

How do you decide on the focus of an assignment or notion to pursue?

When an idea arrives, what do you do? Where do you take it?

Describe your experience with reading over the years?

How does reading a variety of literature assist your process?

How have you contributed with your writing?  Which aspects have given you the greatest satisfaction?

What aspects of writing do you enjoy the most and the least? 

Write about your work and the processes: creation, developing a text, false starts, revising and proofreading. 

Keep your reflections going for a month. Do you notice a change in your attitude as a writer?  

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