Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Unsticking The Mind

Consider what you would do if you need to open a stuck window. Do you push and shove, sigh and give up? What would it take to open that window?

With all problems, you have an attitude and choices. Start on an action plan with a solution-attitude.

l.  What's simple and the easiest step? Call for someone stronger to help? Look for a lubricant? A can of W-D 40 or vaseline might loosen the stuck latch?
2.  What's bold and courageous? Persevere: one good hit and a constant jiggle?
3.  What outrageous action could you take? Throw a baseball through it or . . .?

When you're stuck in a writing situation, follow a similiar course of action. Asking, ". . . and then what?"  and "What else could I do?" will ease you through the challenge. Just keep writing and pushing past the questions.

Creative write: When you meet a challenge or frustration today, follow the three steps above. Write about it and share your results or more creative problem solving techniques.

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