Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Bite from the Writing Bug

Remember when you met someone who really attracted you?  Once you started talking, you felt the power of chemistry take over.

For many writers, the lure of writing feels similar.  When an individual meets the feelings and satisfaction writing provides one asks, "Where have you been all my life?"

When in the flow of words, the brain's chemical reactions and synapses firing hold attention beyond the initial situation or troubled world.

Addiction to writing feels like self -indulgence of the highest power.   One's craving for a pen or to run fingers across the keyboard excites.  Unlike a negative addiction, it does not have remain a secret.

Individuals can recover from a chemical dependency but the addiction to a love of words defies all treatment.

Creative Write:  Move into a flow of words as you write about your writing addiction.  If you haven't truly felt the bite of writing's love bug, see if you can discover it today.  Begin with a feeling you've experienced when dealing with a strong attraction.

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