Saturday, July 23, 2011

Creative Risks

What does it mean to take risks with your creativity?  Calculated risks predispose you to growth and opportunity.  Jumping into the process dissolves fear and worry about results.

Jewelry designer, Anna Balkan, a native of Ukraine, came by herself to New York City in 1992 with $100 and no job. She learned English, earned a college degree and worked in various leadership roles.

After twelve years in the coporate world, Balkan took a risk to follow her childhood love of jewelry design and started her own company.  Today she thrives doing what she loves.  Visit her online:

Examine risks you have taken in the past with your writing.  How did they work out?  Should you have pushed to the edges of possibility?  Why did or didn't you?

Write today about risk taking.

R -  Rise above fear
I  -  Initiate edgy ideas
S -  Satisfy curiosity
K - Keep it going, one stop at a time
S  - Say Yes! to variety

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