Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Write the Love Month of February

February is LOVE month!


Make a pact with yourself to Love your writing for the next seven days. Extend all the way to February 14 once you're on a writing roll.

Respond to your emotions and senses and expand your possibilities.

February Fifth - A focus on pure potential

Find a place where you can devote an hour away from clocks, watches and digital reminders of time. Bring your writing pad or computer and just BE.

Take a few breaths and write about how you will devote yourself to a Love of Words each day up to and through Valentine's day. How will you reinforce this daily commitment?

Love for Writing Day Two

What gift have you received from life's experiences?

Write about your gift of words. Show your appreciation with a write of wonder. 
Choose your favorite meal of the day and bring it to the page with all your senses.
Love for Writing Day Three
Each time you send words to the page or screen, you create energy that stimulates more ideas and sentences. 

Choose success with your paragraphs today. Make them flow with fun and wonder. 
Write about a first emotion experienced. Do you remember what FUN felt like in your body? Recall that first feeling of true happiness and connect it with a sound or scent. Turn abstractions into concrete images. Make us feel them along with you.

Love for Writing Day Four

Observe the day with the least effort. Accept the day, people, situations and events as you meet them. Keep a notebook of the situations that pique your curiosity or irritate you the most.

In the evening, freewrite about the day. Let go of any need to defend your point of view.
Love for Writing Day Five

Today write way beyond your comfort zone. Reach wide for the improbable. Catch the unpredictable. Race to the edge of your writing cliff. 

Love the sense of flight in your words as you soar beyond your limitations.
Love for Writing Day Six

Don't force words today. Let detachment from results and uncertainty rule.  Write with the freedom to reveal dimensions of yourself in words.

Select a time you wore a disguise. How did you select the persona and costume?  Show how it reveals your freedom to become another individual. Write to reveal what that identity meant to you. Could you turn it into a story?

Love for Writing Day Seven
Let your seventh day explode with a sense of humor. Find fun and fancy in each interaction and situation. Spread your smile and mystify with mirth. Where will your funny bone take you?

Write Results:  After you have made the seven day commitment, keep going. Your love for writing will expand.

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