Sunday, June 23, 2019

From the Prickly Side

Do you become baffled by the behavior of your "other self" - the prickly side?  This personality procrastinates, arrives late at appointments, leaves dirty dishes in the sink, and clothes cluttered about?

Often this character feels disorganized, devastated by clutter and frustrated by deadlines. Writing projects stay in the computer or hide in the writing journal.

Writing helps to keep you in the moment. Push your Positive self to write a vision of accomplishments. Begin by writing objectives in a special journal and set time limits.

Examples: Take fifteen minutes for clearing your desk. Use fifteen minutes to write your goals. Stop at the time limit, do not go over or under. You may need to begin with ten minutes to avoid frustration.

Identify the messages your prickly side sends. Name this persona. Write three to five items you wish to confront and begin a dialogue.

Add what you will do with clutter, unused items, and overstuffed shelves or closets. What will you do about files of ancient paperwork?

Stow or throw. When you grab an item make an immediate decision. If you must, store items of questionable need in a box. In two months, if you haven't needed the item, toss the box without peeking.

Learn how the prickly self stops you from doing what you really want. Write about it.

Live in the moment to allow your conscious mind to set the agenda. When you focus on the now, you avoid your prickly side. It can't lead you astray or back to unfocused patterns.

Celebrate tiny steps. Applaud yourself for beginning the changes you wish to pursue.

Try this for a week and write your observations.

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