Monday, October 1, 2018

The Ah-ha Moment

The purpose of life is to live it to taste experience to the utmost to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences —Eleanor Roosevelt

An "Ah-ha" moment sprouts something new or different. It arrives after preparation and time for incubation. Ideas, beliefs, and questions begin to grow.

Most of the time, one cannot predict how it springs. It does not always produce a solution but can reveal errors. What does not work promotes a move into possibilities. Insight provides ways to study situations not considered before.

Curiosity launches creativity. A sense of wonder excited question upon question. They move into the wildness of blue sky thinking beyond the obvious.

Risk-taking invites a search for quirky. Connections and flavors abound. Sounds ask for texture and touch. A taste of lively amuses.

Consider a situation or writing project that feel stuck.

Take a break from thinking or working on it.

During a walk, notice connections  and diversions that nature offers.

Look into the details for discoveries.

When you return, let play and nature's revelations initiate a variety of responses.

Collate the details. 

Try a new stream of thinking or writing and permit it to meander.

The A-ha may not always lead to an obvious destination.

Let the journey amaze.

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