Monday, June 4, 2018

Nature's Therapy

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

Kay Cowley advises, "If you'd like a therapist but can't afford one, Mother Nature is free of charge. Each day you can spot an endless array of natural wonders that make for grand soul sessions if you look around with eyes open and an open heart."

Search nature for transitions, change, and rhythms to emulate.

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self," assures Aldous Huxley. 

To the degree that you regenerate yourself, you will improve everyone around you. Your inner work will become contagious. 

Find amazement and calm in the sea and sky.
Use curiosity to discover the human blossoming process.

“The world is emblematic. Parts of speech are metaphors because
the whole of nature is a metaphor for the human mind.” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson


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