Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Time of Silence

"Like the center of a spinning top or the eye of a hurricane,our inner center is always calm." - Yogi Mir

Imagine a hummingbird as a statue on a branch with its flurry of activity at rest. 

How would it feel to quiet your day?

Take time to sit and find your center. Breathe in four breaths, then breathe out four. Continue until you can extend your exhalation to ten.

Feel the silence when you slow the breath, find stillness and relax. Sounds may arise as energy when you put yourself into a focused state.

Notice that the space around you opens. Nothing will overwhelm when you pay attention to the rhythm of the breath.

Give this feeling of rest a name as you search for balance. Use the name and revisit its calming effect from time to time each day.

Observe the tranquility and a sense of peacefulness. 

Return often to benefit from a time of silence.

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