Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sensing into Serenity

We flow through myriad moods each day. Some stick longer than others in a search for serenity.

Write from one mood to another until you've written into a sense of serenity.

How does your body sense it? What does serenity feel, look, and even taste like?

Write about it so your reader can say, "Oh, I get it."  or "Hmmm, wish I could feel that way."

Search for phrases with sounds, scents and even tastes. Which sensations run in the arms and legs? What happens with internal feelings?

How does the skin feel?

Use comparisons and metaphors. Where do you feel it the most?

Show your serenity without mentioning the word or words like calm, joyful, or balanced.

Move like a camera to reveal the essence.

Write to sense into serenity.

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