Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Inventions of Childhood

I marveled at birds in flight. With a sheet above my head, I jumped from a tree surprised at landing so soon. The intrigue of creatures that wriggled under rocks held my attention.

Tadpoles grew legs in our pond. Their bodies bulged into bug-eyed frogs.

At night I opened watches and dismantled radios.  I had an idea about how to unroll the top of a soda can. Then the pop top arrived.  My curiosity grew and knew no bounds.

Do you recall flying a paper airplane or floating a handmade boat?

Could you disassemble a clock or radio to see how it worked?

Think of ways you planned something outrageous or courageous.  

Go back in time and regain the thrill of a discovery.

Creative Write: Return to a moment when you advanced your mind and took a risk without help or the benefit of anyone else's direction. What did you invent or discover by yourself?

When you return to the child's mind of adventure, how will you write about it today?

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