Monday, January 23, 2012


Deal only with the moment and not the possible consequences of your action.  - Mother Teresa

How many times have you focused so much on the end result of writing that you missed the opportunities and idea shifts?   You straight-lined it and rushed to the finish.  Speed didn't show the results expected did it?

In the initial stages of creativity, the writing process has no destination. It is right here, right now, one word after another. Speed and time do not matter. The focus moves beyond the obsession of getting something out that's perfect.

Writing should not become a struggle.  If it is you miss the moments in movement.

Don't fight barriers.  Get past any barrier.  Jump over or push it away.  Feel the victory of words that slide from fingers across the keyboard or when a pen flows on paper.

Let process and goal stay fluid.  You need to know what to accomplish and then you need to get rid of expectations.  Get out of the way of writing, take a detour, turn a different corner and play!

Creative Write:  Focus on a writing project that stumps you. Let detours assist your process. Move in directions beyond the barriers.

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