Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Misperceptions into Story

Everyone experiences initial interpretations when meeting people. We judge others’ appearances, observe behavior and body language, then make decisions. This occurs long before words communicate thoughts and feelings.

Attractions or rejections as a result of chemistry, push and pull us toward decisions about another individual.

What happens if premature judgments turn out flawed?  What if the cranky person seated next to us on the airplane turns into a great conversationalist when we meet again on a bus tour at our holiday destination?  Or someone who talks too much at a first encounter focuses in a crisis situation to help us?   The "know it all" actually listens to our concerns once common ground is achieved.

Think back on negative reactions to people and how your opinion did or did not move in a different way as the relationship developed.  How could you turn these interactions into stories?

Start with a situation of first contact and see where it takes you.  Use this as fodder for fiction!

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