Friday, January 21, 2011

Resilience and Possibilities

“The truth is, everything that has happened in my life… that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better.”                        - Warren Buffett

How you adjust to or recover from misfortune defines your resilience in life. Recall an event that felt frustrating or focus on a perceived failure in your life. Paint each into mind pictures with all your senses. Next, permit your writing to inform you by working with the sound and scent of the events like a distanced third party reporting the scenes.

How were you resilient in processing the events? Write for ten minutes to reveal how these events made a positive difference in your life.

Become more resilient and feed on possibilities:

Focus on where the event led. Effort and attempts are first steps that can lead in directions we have not considered if we move past the mistakes and let them inform us of possibilities.

Accept failures as lessons. Make a different mistake next time. Learn from experiences and accept them as pre-payments for future success. Deal with undesirable consequences when you're learning a lesson; that’s real life.

Never give up. Get up one more time, wiser.

Seek reinforcement from people who enrich your life.

Each day provides learning experiences. Engage with the rocks in the road and leap over them or race around to a new path. Launch yourself from the branches. Discover metaphors to use when you need encouragement. Write about it.

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