Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Writing Goals

Writing Goals for 2011

It's 30 days away from the new year. Begin to think of your writing purpose and goals for 2011. New Year's Resolutions don't stick. Don't consider your writing aspirations as part of a resolution. Make them revolutionary!

Place a sheet of paper where you'll see it every day. Over the next weeks, make notes of what you expect to play with, discover and accomplish in your 2011 writing.

Along the way, add in several daring goals to push yourself beyond limits.

In the last two weeks of the month, lock in your goals and then determine three actions for each.

l. What you will do (specifically) to accomplish your goals given your current writing climate and resources.
2. Who might be able to help you. Contact that person with specific requests.

3. Write a scene of what to expect when you meet your goal.

Creative Write: Share a line of what it will feel like to accomplish your writing purpose this year!

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