Consider choices in the right now.
What do you appreciate? What will you ignore?
What do you have the power to adapt or change?What does it take to accept what's given to you and spin it your way?
"A quote from W.S. Merwin: 'I have with me all that I do not know. I have lost none of it.' For me that’s where creativity dwells, that’s where the discovery is, that is where curiosity leads us — to that place of both not knowing and unknowing."
Go for possibilities with your writability.
The Story of Stuff - - reveals the process of goods production through utilization and disposal. We need to take a long look at our individual impact in this system.
We're all a part of the Web of Life and have a responsibility.
Oh, the power of the P word - Procrastination - Birds don't do it, bees don't do it. Even educated fleas don't do it. A squirrel would never do it. Yet, people find ways to do it all the time. Blame it on the prefrontal cortex that has the responsibility for complex cognitive behaviors and decision-making.
Seagulls write their musings across the sky. Do they vacation from the need to fly?