Thursday, September 15, 2022

Trick Your Emotional Triggers

A monk rattled around in a constant state of upset and depression. When another monk tried to help him out of his gloomy mindset, the first monk said, "Look at the Master. He has outbursts of anger."

"Ah, that is so," replied the other monk. "But, notice that his anger is like lightning. It strikes to the heart of the target and then is gone. The sun shines again."

Often we react with behavior that doesn't reflect what we want to reveal to the world. We carry our emotions around with us instead of setting them free.   

Once we recognize it's impossible to avoid feelings of anger, sadness, frustration or other negative emotions, we can control our relationship to them.  We need to recognize the negative thoughts that accompany them. What positive action can replace the potential for negative behavior?

With awareness, we feel the emotions arrive, pause and learn what they have to teach us.  Then we can choose not to react with negativity.

Everyone has emotional triggers. Here are a few: a hurtful comment from someone, standing in long lines, green lights turning to red just as you arrive, being put on hold during phone calls. 

When situations arise that trigger angst, use your mind to its best advantage. Develop a key phrase or sing a tune before responding. 

Take a few deep breaths to re-center. Open yourself to possibiities.  

Laugh, laugh and laugh again.  

Let lightning strike in the solitude of your mind.  Then let the sunshine out.

Choose three situations that trigger your negative emotions. 

Write three responses for each to show how to react in a more positive way. See what happens if you use your positivity when they arise again.

Trick your emotional triggers.

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