Friday, March 18, 2022

Constraints and Creativity

"It is better to have some problems to work on," said Frank Gehry, architect of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. 
Gehry continued, "I think we turn those constrains into action." 

This concern with constraints assisted Gehry's design of the award-winning Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. He had to design with strict stands necessary for acoustics. Gehry developed a functional interior with a free-flowing steel exterior.

When you consider your writing creativity, invite challenges and constraints. 

Change the environment and move into nature's wonders. Bring a notebook and write scents, sights, sounds, and textures. 

To avoid Procrastination set a deadline. Try setting time limits for work involved. Then free flow.

Move between writing with a flowing pen and typing on a keyboard.  

Doodle for thirty seconds with your pen without expectations. Let your imagination race.

Choose six words and use them in a paragraph without a direction. Invite humor and playfulness.

Discover the constraints that assist creativity. Flow beyond a comfort zone. 

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