Friday, January 8, 2021

Beyond Frustration


During a time of frustration, we require deep reflection and thinking. 

Individual awareness becomes the first step. It begins with each one taking responsibility and then extending it. Effective communication with positive people makes a difference.

Reorganizing thought patterns help to consider, "What can I do? What are five ways today and then tomorrow? 

Start with family and friends first. How success occurred in the past helps motivate for the future.

We require more life coaches and less critics. If one person can reach one, it makes a difference. 

Alter your kaleidoscope and put thought into five ways Americans have achieved greatness. Share them with your family and friends and urge them to pass it forward. 

Each morning begin breathing with gratitude and awareness. Think of five ways to make each moment count. 
How will you make your presence felt in the world today?  

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