Saturday, November 7, 2020

Start with Joy

Camille Dungy, writer and professor at Colorado State University writes, "I find it necessary practice to look for hope, joy and possibility in most of the situations I encounter. I spend a lot of my life as an environmental writer and thinker, and another portion of my life as a Black activist and student of American history."

Dungy continues, "I must, as a necessity of my survival, find ways to sustain my own sense of hope, of beauty, of purpose and light. That's why I want to start with joy. that's why I am always looking for possibilities, for sources of nourishment and abundance."

Former Wellesley College President, Diana Chapman Walsh, described what "thrillionaires" do when she handed out the UN Declaration of Human Rights to each graduating senior from the class of 2000 - 20 years ago: 


“With rights come responsibilities to preserve the institutions of freedom; with privileges come duties to others less fortunate than you; with wisdom comes an obligation to use your knowledge in the cause of justice; with power comes the opportunity to remove that which subverts love.”


You become a thrillionaire if you can recall a time when you experienced a real thrill when you gave something away: money, time, kind words, or ideas. You create feelings of a thrillionaire if you light up when you think about giving.

Start your day with Joy. Find possibility and purpose. Fill your world with nature's attractions.

 Discover the joy and thrillionaire in YOU

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