Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Push Possibilities

I believe in Possibilities. If we use calm, creative thinking, we can combine ideas to overcome fears and obstacles. 

"With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Believe in Possibilities. Here are a few to get you motivated.

Take a walk and observe. Engage away from your internal chatter. notice shapes and shadows. Listen for bird song. Breathe in nature's nurture. Find a flower to examine by touch and scent. Hug leaves with fingertips.

Housework is not everyone's favorite activity. "Ecstasy, then the laundry" is a Zen proverb. Find the joy in the task at hand. While making the bed, loading the washer and dryer, notice your hands and fingers. Notice the wonders your body performs for you.

Do you have a favorite indoor plant?  If not, find one to transplant for an inside and insight delight. Tend it daily.Water it when necessary and turn it towards the light. Shine its leaves. Smile and find mindfulness as you live in the present moment  and think only of it.

When eating, ponder the source of the items.

What did it take to get them to your oven and table?

Imagine the individuals who grew, processed, or prepared the foods.

Consider your body's vitality and digestion. Slow down and taste each flavor. Let sensations delight.

Sunrises and sunsets remind of us of nature's promise. Take advantage of their effects.
'Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created for something new to emerge.' - Eckhart Tolle

Enjoy a variety of diversions. Ask, "in what ways will I make this challenge the Best opportunity and possibility."

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