Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Discomfort Zone

Karen Pryor, who started out as a dolphin trainer, wrote a book, Don’t Shoot the Dog.  It deals with operant conditioning promoted by B.F. Skinner and how positive reinforcement works.  If one catches someone performing well and rewards for it, the next response will result in a similar behavior. The longer the positive reinforcements continue, the stronger the response to the stimulus. 

Why do we notice what doesn’t work so often in ourselves and others? No one in any endeavor has benefitted from someone negating them during the learning stages.
We need to worry less and reward ourselves for accomplishments. Deal with the moment and move on.  

We can always find five ways out of a frustration by writing about it. It toggles the brain away from negative thinking.

How we deal with risk and mistakes determines our success. If we can find energy to continue during a situation's discomfort, we will reinforce tendencies to continue when faced with similar challenges. 

A ten percent area exists in everyone’s psyche. We need to access this area in order to achieve excellence and move beyond any roadblocks to our progress.  

It takes courage to make mistakes and try another way.

Ways to move toward new ground involve thinking of techniques that worked in the past in this area of frustration. Try to see it as a necessary part of the process even though it doesn’t feel good.

Use creative thinking to spark the day. Laughter promotes new approaches to old issues. Dance into the discomfort zone.

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