Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Awareness Conditioning

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just to enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate."- Thornton Wilder
Will Bowen, a Kansas City minister, suggests word choice determines thought choice, which determines emotions and actions. Conditioning helps us stop using certain words.
Will designed a solution in the form of a simple purple bracelet, which he offered to his congregation with a challenge. Go 21 days without complaining. Each time individuals complained, they had to switch the bracelet to the other wrist and start again from day 0. It was simple but effective awareness training.

Consider going a day-at-a-time to put creativity ahead of complaints.

Each time a complaint or criticism crosses the mind find a replacement word or possible action.

Add the band idea. Use a rubber band and snap it when you feel the need to complain. Replace the critical notion with a solution or the opposite point of view.

At the end of the day write about ways you discovered to problem solve rather than whine.

Starting points:

Work on self-criticism to begin your process. When you hear words in your head, "Oh, why can't I?" Turn the words into, "I can always . . . "

Revise daily headlines into humorous possibilities. For each scene of violence, find someone to save the day. Push creativity and have aliens or animals turn the situation around.

Notice how others begin conversations that center on a complaint or criticism. Change the subject. Point to the sky, "There's Halley's comet," to distract.

While standing in line, observe what you admire about others waiting with you.

If someone tailgates and honks, turn your frown into a laugh. Just think what it would be like to sing your school's fight song to energize that person.

When the mind gallops in circles during a meal, repeat Thornton Wilder's thoughts and focus on the joy of the moment.

If you find yourself snapping the band too often, create a tune and laugh along with it.

Take the time to flush out the frustrations.

When conditioning with a variety of word choices, notice how your attitude changes.

Revel in creativity and upturn the lips.

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