Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Precious Gift

To be alive, most perfectly alive

A new year

Yet another opportunity to get it right

This gift called life

Part of the sun, part of the earth

The glitter of the sun on the surface of the water

I resolve to treat this year like a precious gift

To celebrate nature's beauty with my art and life

To live a little closer to nature's beauty, 
silence and mystery

To let a little more of nature's beauty, silence 
and mystery into my heart

To give back with gratitude
  - Roderick MacIver

After the rush and frenzy of the holidays, we need time to reflect and relax. Rather than continue on the harried path, consider a lighter form of engagement with life.

Choose a place to walk for at least fifteen minutes in a natural setting.

Sit and observe nature's pace.  

Bring a tablet and pen. 

Slow the speed of writing. Ease each letter into a flow. Let the loops and lines languish from the pen.

As you wind down your process, focus on an image of nature's progress from sunrise to sunset. 

No Rush. Stay in the moments.

Notice the beauty and mystery woven into sounds, scents, and silence around you.  

Let the Gratitude glow to allow the realization of your precious gift.

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