Monday, September 21, 2015

Into the Details

Kahlil Gibran wrote, “Your soul is often a battlefield upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite.”

This example reveals an opportunity the writer did not take. When Gibran began his notion of the soul, he used the metaphor of a battlefield and then explained about waging war inserting four abstractions. He could have defined each by including examples.

Readers may connect with his reasoning but need details and realistic pictures in words to understand his meaning of reason, judgment, passion and appetite.

Communication to the reader works with metaphor, imagery and details. Because we come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, the above words create different reactions. 

Writers need to show examples of complex emotions to give the reader a clue to our intentions.One person's reason might be another's wrong. 

Judgment becomes a complex issue. Who's the judge? Passion and appetite require images to show their impact. 

What does reason look like?  

Does judgment have a sound, taste or scent?

How could you show passion in action?

Reveal abstractions in concrete ways.

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