Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pine Tree Whispering

Clarence Feather
During our house remodel, we spent time in a small apartment.  For December, 2000, I purchased a live Aleppo pine. Named Clarence Feather, he enlivened the balcony of our unit. His pine needles scented the holiday festivities.

Before we moved home, we decided to plant Clarence Feather in an area near our apartment. Within a week the gardening staff had uprooted him. By chance, I found him at the bottom of the gardener's truck parked at our complex. Getting a friend's help, who crawled into the truck, we rescued Clarence Feather.

Clarence suffered from the change in his atmosphere and contracted a fungus. When I used alcohol rubs daily, he began to thrive.

Today he has grown into a warrior who protects our home.

During the Rose Bowl game of 2015, a friend and member of the University of Oregon Ducks football team, Devon Allen, suffered a serious injury. A week later, on my morning run, I noticed a pine tree discarded on the street from the holiday season. I had a half mile climb up the hill to get home. I lugged this two-foot pine, thinking of naming it Devon to speed his recovery.

I shuffled the tree from arm to arm, feeling the weight with each step. Branches dug into my hands. I breathed into breezes, applying my energy and emotions to Devon's struggle.

At home, I pruned the browned branches, found enriched earth and a pot for planting. My arms stung from the trip but the scent of pine helped me understand a battle won.

Devon Allen
Thankfully, now this pine thrives under the branches of Clarence Feather.

Yesterday, during my morning run, I noticed a pine tree left outside a house by the beach.  Pot removed, only a ball of soil protected the roots. Browned branches circled the trunk but green sprouted on the ends of many. I didn't try to carry the tree home this time but hoped someone would discover his needs.

I kept thinking about that thirsty pine.

Later, I drove by and the pine still sat on the curb looking droopy. I felt the call to action. When circling his roots with a bag, his branches rattled with life. An Oregon player who recently had surgery seemed the appropriate name for this fellow.

Derrick Malone
Derrick looks spry and on the mend under the tutelage of Clarence and Devon.

Ah, how great it feels as a pine tree whisperer.

Clarence Feather has grown since the size of Derrick below.

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