Sunday, November 16, 2014

Off the Trail

"Off the trail" is another name for the Way, and sauntering off the trail is the practice of the wild. This is also where - paradoxically - we do our best work. But we need paths and trails and will always be maintaining them. You must first be on the path, before you can turn and walk into the wild." - Gary Snyder

Develop a metaphor for writing to reveal a path or trail that you maintain.

In what ways could you plant seeds, weed, and care for growth along the route?

Explore the cliffs and use courage to seek hidden caves.

Discover encounters on the path to enrich the passage.

Let surprises nudge the imagination.

Will finding a rhythm in the curves and rocks inspire ideas for writing?

Wander into the wild with words where the sea meets the sky.

Range into new realms of
thoughts and feelings.

Alter sensory experience.

Stretch yourself with surprise.

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