Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sounds of Familiar

We live within a symphony of sounds in our homes.

Pops, creaks and bangs abound.

Rap. Rup. Rip.

Doors slam. Keys jingle to unlock them. The squeal of a garage door announces an arrival of family and friends.

Pets patter, scratch, tweet, meow or arff.

We become accustomed to pipes that gurgle. Water ticks from roof tops. Dribble. drip. drip. tap. tap. tap.

The grind of a garbage disposal accosts as a dryer rumbles in the background, jostling clothing.

Scrapings and screechings circulate throughout the day. Walls shake from furnaces turning on and off. Floors squeak. Wind shimmies windows. As clocks tick in metronome time, echoes bounce from walls.

A rhythm percolates.

Cacophony trumpets a sense of identity and ownership. Sounds bond us to our home. Often a feeling of security results from the familiar. 

Creative Write:  Map the geography of sounds in your current living space. Travel back in time and do the same for a childhood home, from a living space at school or a favorite location.

Add behaviors to the sounds. Who walked in, slammed a door or closed a drawer to avoid an awakening?

What sizzled on the stove? Did a boiling pot gurgle like a friend's anger?

Who arrived with a tinny ringing of the doorbell and feet scuffing on the door mat to make the heart race?

Who turned the music on?

What did a message on the answering machine reveal after the beep?  Whose feet shuffle and scurry on the stairs.

What permeates the silence?

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