Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stop. Start. Begin.

We always have material to write about. It takes time to develop an expression of thoughts and feelings.  Does the subject matter sit too close and fragile? How can we write into revelation for our process and a product?

Developing characters to experience the situation assists with writing and life issues.

Take time today to stop and start.  Begin a fragile subject with two or three lines.  Stop.

Move on to another. Stop.

Search a question. Add a line of humor.

Here's a start. stop. begin. to give you an idea:

My friend always said, "My Mother!"  I used a question mark instead of  exclamation point.  We both had issues with mothers.  One a distress call. The other required a skirmish in a sea of uncertainty.

His father hammered him on the perfection of details.  How does one correct courage?

The therapist advised him, "You laugh inappropriately."  He responded, "Humor saves me from destruction."

She wanted lingerie or linguine.  He brought home a stray dog.

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