Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Premise

Fiction's premise involves what happens to the characters as a result of the major conflicts plus twists and turns in the story.

If a writer wishes to prove love leads to disaster, he shows Dan and Sheila falling in love and bad things happening.  Dan loses his job and becomes depressed. Sheila leaves him because he has lost his drive.  He falls into deeper despair and becomes homeless. He may end his life.

In the next premise, love leads to bliss.  Bill and Bonnie meet on the subway.  Love transforms their dull lives as an accountant and teacher into an ongoing series of delicious moments.  After they get rid of respective spouses, they buy a farm and grow old together.

Discover your story's premise and take it through all the twists and turns of  possibilities.


l.  Trusting someone leads to disillusionment.
2. Greed leads to alienation.
3. Courage leads to redemption.
4. Nothing can crush the human spirit.

Creative Write:

l.  Outline a premise based on the above suggestions or your own.
2.  Start with a character and give him or her a dilemma.  Set your imagination free and let writing take you on an adventure.

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