Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Portals to Adventure

"A picture lives by companionship." - Mark Rothko

"There are things known and things unknown and between them, the doors."
- Jim Morrison

Time stands still for my writer's mind during morning runs. I snag a snapshot of attention. Ideas leap in. I become a companion with the frame and wonder where my imagination will extend the image.

What happens beyond the gates I run by? Sounds and scents release over garden walls.

Words in response to pictures help me reflect and interpret the world and form a relationship with others. Sentences search a world of paradox and mystery. Barriers invite my curiosity as portals to adventure.

Natural entrances will invite a story or poem.

Creative Write: Take a walk and capture a collage of portals. Do a freewite to investigate their connections. Do stories and poems arise from one side of the entrance to the other? Search for what's on the other side. . .

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